From the Account Name and Sync Settings window, click on the More Settings button:.From your main Outlook window, go to the File -> Info Menu -> Account Settings -> Account Name and Sync Settings:.
If that is the case, here is how to fix the Work Offline button: However, the Work Offline button might be missing from Outlook even if you are using an email account capable of working offline. Usually, this button is missing because your email account is not using a mail server compatible with Microsoft Exchange. It may happen that your Outlook window is missing the switch button to work offline – online.

Missing “Work Offline” Button – How to Fix it

To switch from the offline to the online mode, simply go to your Outlook Send / Receive tab and locate the “Work Offline” button: click on it to switch between the online and the offline mode: Outlook Is Working Offline – How to Switch to Online Instead, it will wait to be switched to the online mode and only then it will send & receive emails. If Outlook is working offline, it will not receive new emails and it will not send emails that you’ve prepared to be sent. Starting with Outlook 2010, Microsoft introduced the ability to work online or offline for email accounts that use Microsoft Exchange servers (for example, email addresses created at ). This article describes how to fix Outlook when it’s working offline: switching from offline to online mode, missing “Work Online” button and the potential reasons why Outlook keeps getting offline.